Saturday, August 31, 2013

Welcome Season 13/14 - An Announcement From Textbook

Hello everyone,

New basketball season is starting in a few days at Slovenia. I'm sure, even though off season has its own excitements, everyone is excitedly waiting the opening of the season. We have a few announcements before the beginning of the new season.

Last year, we started to working on statistics of basketball as a project. Then we decided to share them on a simple blog. Since, it was our senior year of college and we were dealing with our senior design projects, we couldn't find much time for our analyses. Yet, we shared some of our studies whenever we've found time. It was like beta version of what we capable of doing. We got some great feedback and comments, I've personally thank you for all of them.

Now, this year will be a little different. This summer we beat our brains out to be ready for 2013/14 Season. We both created new formulas and create ways to easily update our own stats game by game and finally we did it. Starting with EuroBasket13, we will update every statistic we come up with daily and make more detailed researches about numbers as a competent of a basketball. After the EuroBasket13 we will be mainly focused on Euroleague as usual, but also we will conduct several analyses about other competitions - like some local competitions - as long as we have the data needed. New approaches to understand the game with numbers are also coming next.

We have a new website now;  The site is not fully ready yet, there are some imperfections but we will make it ready as soon as possible. We will start updating the site with EuroBasket13. In the first days of the tournament we can face a little difficulties to update stats. We may suffer from lack of time. Because, we'll be living in Rome in following years for educational purposes. As you all can guess, moving from one place to another can be very troubling and moving to another country is much more troubling. However, once we get back on the rails, everything will be much smoother.

Hope to see you very soon...

                                                                                                                                   Team Textbook

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

TOR v 2.0

I introduced you a new defensive measurement system at last post. In this post, I'll continue with new Team Offensive Ranking aka TOR.

TDR and TOR are very similar actually. The main principles behind both formulas are same. Things which are identical to TDR is ;
  • Components of PSP and ePl
  • Evaluating every team by considering their respecting opponents
  • Computing every value for team's pace
  • Fitting data to season's distribution curve
  • Phase Multiplier

If we want to look at the differences between TOR and TDR, first difference is chosen PSP and ePl values. We were calculating teams' defensive gain function by using their opponents PSP (both they normally had and they showed against team) and their opponents ePl (also same here).  However, since we're evaluating team's offensive efficiency in TOR, we chose team's PSP and ePl values.

Second one is, in TDR we chose team's ePl allowed as upper bound of the integral to make sure evaluate defensive efficiency at team's pace. In TOR, upper bound of the integral will be number of ePl which team achieved, as you can guess. Hence, we can evaluate every team's offensive efficiency at the pace team chooses to play.

Here is the list of most efficient offensive teams;

Real Madrid, as I've expected, had the most efficient offense last season. They have great offensive players almost every position and they chose to rise on their offense,so no surprise. 

I mentioned about differences between pre-NBA Messina and post-NBA Messina in terms of defensive before. In offensive side of the game, things are a little different. He had the #2 efficient offensive team last year. There is no need to numbers to see that differences actually. Except for a few game - by the way Olympiakos game at F4 was one of these few games unfortunate for Russians - , CSKA's offenses was  just splendid.

#3 is Zalgiris Kaunas. Even though they faced lots of troubles* last year, Plaza's team did their best,I believe. I've researched their numbers in the group phase to satisfy my own curiosity. I can say you that, they were by far the best offensive team at group phase. 

It looks like defense still plays a little more role than offense in Euroleague. Yet, it's almost impossible to predict what will happen next year.

Note: We're not fully satisfied with phase multipliers. You can see the multiplier-free values below the TOR column and CDF column. I think it just needs more time and study to find a better multiplier. 


* : Some of these are expected actually. After the group phase, I saw a twitt says "Romanov will find a way to ruin this beautiful team." I don't remember who wrote that but financial problems really hurt the team, no argument there. Yet, they also faced one of the weirdest problems in basketball; Ibrahim Jaaber. I mean, is this guy for real ? 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Say Hello To New Defensive Measurement System - TDR v 2.0

After a "Resistance Break", here we're again. We were working on TDR and TOR formulas recently. We've some doubts about both formulas. They have some imperfections. For example, in some cases points created by an assist valued a little bit more than it deserves or offensive rebounds allowed are penalized a little bit harsh for some teams. Yet, main problem occurred in comparisons. We were evaluating every team for same standards. However, every team faces different teams during their EL run. So, they should be evaluated by considering their opponents.

Another problem was fitting the TDR and TOR values to normal distribution curve. It wasn't a bad assumption since like most of the things in the world, majority of stats in basketball fits perfectly to normal distribution curve. Yet, after several detailed researches on performances from 2000-01 to 2012-13 seasons, it became more clear that every season's distribution differs from each other. So, I decided to evaluate every season with its own performance curve. I should admit that, using normal distribution curve much more simple since it can be easily calculated by Mr. Excel. On the other hand,creating a new distribution for respecting season is whole another thing.Yet, it's a burden we have to endure. It will make everything more smoother and accurate. It will eliminate one of the biggest assumptions in the formula which will lead better results. Besides, comparing to fight we put up against tear gases and lovely police kicks lately , it's nothing. :)

Let me start with Team Performance Ranking aka TDR. First of all, I should mention about concepts of play and PSP. We've mentioned about play at this post and about PSP at this post. Basically, a play shows an offense which resets shot clock and ends with beginning of another shot clock. As for PSP (Projected Score per Play),it shows a team's projected score per play as the name suggests. We calculated everything about offense like field goal percentages, field goal tendencies, foul receiving rates, free throw percentages,offensive rebound rates, probability of scoring second chance points, turnover rates and everything to determine PSP. So, basically PSP shows the efficiency of a play.

I should also mention about a new stat; efficient number of play (ePl). It's not a whole new stat actually, it's just modified version of play. In ePl, wasted offenses like which ended with turnover or failed field goal attempts are not included. Let me put it this way, quality of an offense can be measured with how many efficient play a team succeed and efficiency of those plays.

In defensive side of the game, quality of defense can be measured with how many efficient plays a team allowes to his opponents and at which level the team keeps its opponents' PSP, as expected. If a team allows low number of efficient play and keeps its opponents' PSP as low as possible, it would be fair to say that the team is defensively sufficient. Yet, it's still not enough. Because we have to analyze its opponents regular offensive performances. Because concept of defence is also about how a team discomforts its opponent. Defending a poor offensive team and defending a great offensive team should not be rewarded equally. It would make comparison of teams more accurate.

Last but not least, I changed one more thing in traditional defensive efficiency measurement system. Points allowed per 100 possession is commonly used while evaluating defensive performances for both European and NBA teams. It was a revolutionary approach,I agree. Yet, something was bugging me since the first day I've encountered this stat. It was evaluating every performance for 100 possession. I've always think there is something wrong with it. Because, a team's performance at a number of possession doesn't necessarily continue while number of possession rises. I mean that number of play could be the most efficient number of play for a team and if the team increases its number of play their efficiency would decrease and points per possession would decrease as well. No one can guarantee that a team which scores 70 points in 70 possession would score 100 points in 100 possession. Maybe it will be 90 points or maybe 110 points, you just can cannot be sure. So,at this new TDR, I've dedicated myself to solve this problem and glad to say that I've managed it.

Now, that's how this new formula works. First we've calculated the every team's season PSP and ePl numbers. Then, according team's schedules we've determined respecting opponents' performances for every team. That yielded a base to compare. After that, we calculated how these opponents performed against the team. That was the second component for the comparison. ePL was our 'x variable'. Than we've created a ' function y ' which is formed by multiplying variable x and 'constant a (PSP)' -which is actually not a pure constant since it also includes 'variable x' in it, yet for the sake of simplicity I'm calling it just 'constant a'-. Then we created a x-y graph. The graph below is an example for a performance function.

As you can see, this fabrication team's - let's call it Team F- opponents showed better offensive performance in its EL run than they showed against the Team F. So, Team F is probably get a high place at defensive ranking list. The axis of the graph shows the number of efficient plays Team F allowed. It's obvious that dynamics of the defensive competence changes while ePl increases. Now, we have to find its defensive efficiency with numbers for a comparison. I've preferred using areal difference,in other saying taking the integral, to calculate it.Every game starts with "0" play -obviously-, then 0 will be the lower bound of the integral. Team F allowed 16 ePL for its opponents so it will be the upper bound. That would do the trick. You see, since I've chose Team F's ePl as upper bound of integral, I wouldn't need any iteration while comparing teams. Calculating every performance for 100 possession or anything like that would not be needed. Because, every team plays at different level of pace,so they should be rewarded or penalized at that very pace, not at an imaginary pace level. After calculating that, distribution of the whole sample should be found.

First we need to find how sample data -which consists of defensive performances of every team- is distributed. Then, we should form the probability density function and find the value every team take from cumulative probability function by calculating area under the probability density function. Let me put it that way, what we do here is fitting the defensive performance values between numbers from 0 to 1. It would both make it easier to compare and help using TDR values in other computations. Because, by using cumulative probability function values, we can evaluate every performance in 0-1 base.

A final note, we add a phase multiplier to make it smoother. Phase multiplier made a small increments by considering how far teams' went last season.

To sum up what I did step-by-step;

  • Calculation of PSP and ePl for each team
  • Creating a function y (offensive efficiency function) by using teams' PSP and ePl for each team
  • Calculating opponents' normal function y values with help of teams' schedule
  • Creating opponent's function y -which shows the opponent's performance against team- by using PSP and ePl which are only performed against respecting team
  • Integrate both function y with respect to x between 0 and ePl(team allowed) to calculate areal difference
  • Fitting all defensive performances to season's distribution curve
  • Finding the shares they took from cumulative probability function
  • And finally,multiplying these values with phase multipliers.

 Now, let's look at the defensive performances of season 2012-13;

No one surprised at #1 I guess. Pascual makes it almost every year. A Greek domination for #2 and #3. Olympiacos was a good defensive team in 2011-12. After Ivkovic left the club, Bartzokas - admittedly I have some doubts about him at first - made a great job and also carried Olympiacos to a level further, I believe. No matter what people say, after group phase Olympiacos was in my "Most Likely Succeed" list. As for Panathinaikos, I had to say their defensive performance this year surprised me a little. Yes, I know they have a great commander who had won the defensive player of the year countless time and also they have some great defenders like Lasme but also Panathinaikos has Ukic and Gist in its roster. I had a chance to follow them more closely since they've also played in Turkey, and I just can't believe that a team can be one of the best defensive teams with them playing over 20 minutes. I mean come on, we even made up a word from Gist's name. Let me give an example;

(Let's say Player X made an unnecessary move to block the shot or steal the ball, and as a result he lost his place for nothing and his team allowed an easy basket because of him)

+Dude, did you see what Player X did?
-Yeah, he Gisted very bad.

There is a common say you know; "You can cut the budgets of Greek basketball teams, you can take their players and coaches,yet they will succeed anyway". If there is not, there should be.

Also, I want to talk about one of my disappointments; Messina. Don't get me wrong neither CSKA nor Messina was unsuccessful,I think. Yet, I was expecting better defensive team from him. Messina has a great reputation at defensive side of the game. After his NBA adventure, it seems to me that he changed his style a little bit. #7 not bad, but comparing to expectations, it's disappointing.

Teams at bottom at the list don't surprise me and I doubt that anyone will surprise.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Textbook's Declaration

Dear Friends,

We are inactive since 31.05.2013.In fact, personally we are experiencing the most active period of our lives. We just want to keep on working our basketball analyses. There is nothing make us happier than that. If only we can just conduct new analyses and find new formulas in peace.

Yet, things are very tricky in here. Our country has been in a very deep sleep. No need to lie, we were also becoming more and more numb and nonresponsive. Yet, everything changed in a single night. There is a small park in Istanbul called Gezi Parkı. Some concerned citizens was trying to defend this park because government wanted to turned this park into yet another shopping mall. One night Turkish cops bombed people with tear gases and beat the peaceful demonstrators.

A Dangerous(!) Protester Reading A Book to Cops

Women in Red (Tear Gas)

We just had enough. We decided to stand up and speak up. We hit the streets in all over the country. (You can find photos and videos about streets in various websites , is one of them for example) We're in the streets since May,31. We are not some extremists, we are just ordinary engineering students. We didn't damage any public property. We've never thrown anything to cops. Yet, we are beaten, bombed with tear gases and blast bombs, repelled by water cannons and even shot with tear gas capsules.  We are resisting for our freedom. It's not about just the park anymore. It's about human rights and people's way of living. Because, our emperor wannabe prime minister is trying to limit our freedom. 

But, we are not death yet. We are resisting to violent government and its cops without damaging anything. There is four dead people and thousands of casualty so far. We are breathing more tear gases than oxygen these days. We're tired but determined. Streets of the country filled with brillant people. By the way,you can't imagine level of sense of humor in streets. We are also laughing to death while fighting against police violence. For example, in the picture below, some fellow protester put a Gandalf picture on a cardboard an write "Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day,at dawn look to the east" on it. And noted that, "He can join our resistance, you just can't know" next to it. 

To put in a nutshell, we are resisting against autocracy and we don't know how long we need to resist. I hope we see you soon. Please, if you have a chance, be our voice and say everyone around you that Turkish police slaughtering their own people. For those who are supporting our cause, God bless you. You are nothing but a brother/sister to us. United we stand!


Textbook Team

#direngezi #direnankara #resistTurkey #occupyTurkey

Personal Apology: If you're following my personal twitter account, I'm probably screwing your timeline.My apologies for that. But, I have to do that. Because our dishonarable media, didn't show anything to people. Their bosses have some other business with the government, so they are deliberately blinding the people.Hence, we are using every social media tools to share what's really happening. "You are the media, share it" is one of the most common motto of this resistance. So, you can imagine that sharing what's happening is an obligation for me, not a choice. Still, I'm sorry for your timelines , forgive me :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Shoot Me Baby One More Time

Let's imagine that we are recruiting a team to dominate Euroleague. We would choose our maestro from the list here. Now,what's next? A solid big guy or a reliable shooter ? It depends on one's perspective for sure, on the other hand I analyzed the marksmen in this post.

There are several kinds of player in every team's rosters. Involving players with different types are considered essential for a team roster. It's easy to understand though, if you have players who can play at different roles then you have numerous offensive and defensive options to apply. Yet, there are some types of players indispensable for any team's roster. Spot shooters -aka snipers- are such kind of players. Every team needs a reliable shooter regardless of the system they choose to play. These players could be leader of their teams -like Kevin Durant or La Bomba- or could be a mediocre player -like Danny Green- who is only perfect for some well-defined,limited roles. As I said, every team needs a sniper,but how can you rate shooters? As you can guess, field goal percentages are not enough for us. What makes shooting hard? Could every two pointer attempt be considered as shooting position? Are there any differences between scoring two pointer and scoring three pointer ?

Let's get down to the business. There several elements which makes shooting hard. First of all, it's very important how your opponent's defense is. If they can defend shooters well, it would be much harder for your players to shoot. Also, volume of the shoots affects shooting percentage. Shooting percentage tends to decrease when number of shoots increases. It makes sense actually. It would much more harder to shoot 10 balls in a row with 100 % then shoot 2 balls in a row with 100%. So, we need to create a correlation function between field goal percentage and field goal attempt to get rid of that problem. After I've formed up correlation function, another question bumped in to my head; could every two pointer attempt be considered as shooting position.  Definitely, no! Remember, dunks and layups are also counted as two pointer attempts in boxscore. Yet, they cannot be counted as shooting positions. We need to eliminate these positions from real shooting positions to determine shooting percentage. After all adjustments, there was still a few more problems. One of them was, weighting two pointers and three pointers. Since it’s harder to score three  pointer than to score two pointer - even though some crazy guys look more confident behind the arc like Steve Novak, they are exceptions of the rule, and you know what they say about the expections, they prove the rule -, we need to reward three pointers slightly higher than two pointers. Actually, we don’t need to do anything at all. As the names implies, they can be easily weighted with the ratio of 2 to 3. Now, there is still one more problem; Free Throws. I couldn't decide if I should regard free throw attempts as shooting attempts. To be honest, either ways make sense to me, so I made two analysis.

The list above doesn't include free throw numbers. Opponent's Strength column represents how the opponent of the corresponding players' team defend shooting positions. As I mentioned before, 2-Pointer Rate doesn't include dunks and layups. Shooting Rates are final results of the adjusted numbers of difficulty of the shoots, shooting volumes and weighted shooting rates. 

This list on the other hand, also includes Free Throw Rates. There are no fantastical changes. Leader and the runner-up are still in the same place. We have some new comers like Sonny Weems,Vassilis Spanoulis,Curtis Jerrells,Milos Teodosic and Jason Kapono. Also, we have some players who is out of Top 20 list like Earl Colloway,Jaycee Carroll,Brion Rush,Bracey Wright and Devin Smith.

I couldn't decide which list is better, it's up to you now...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thunder's Way

In these days every unsuccessfull teams trying to do Thunder's formula to become successfull. It is becoming more and more boring  to see tanking that much. Drafts are not always a gold mine. Thus we tried to remember how successfull teams (made Conferance Finals) built their team between 2000-2012. Between these years because before that there was an unfair league [1]. I'll write only selected teams made Conferance Final more than one. This post shows the team who reached Conferance Fibals between 2000 and 2006. Here are teams.


We all know 2000's Lakers right. Kobe? Shaq? Ok. They were not good in Jordan era. They missed play-off '93-'94 first since '76. An then they looked around for the best center in the league like all years they did(Mikan-Wilt-Kareem-Shaq-Dwight). Shaq was available at '96 summer, well, got him. Same year draft night Mr.Logo did one of the best trades of all time and took Kobe. Result ; 2 MVP's 4 final and 3 rings. By the way they hired P-Jax as coach in these years.


They started to build championship roster after 2000(32-50 record). They missed play-off that year.But they not at the deep of league like these years. Joe Dumars made amazing moves after that not like these years(Darko Milicic broke his heart I guess.) They got 4 allstar 4! 3 of them was trade. Billups joined from FA. None of them came from draft.


'85 play-off
'86 28-54 = 1th pick=David Robinson
'96 Conference Semi-finals
'97 20-62 = 1th pick=Tim Duncan
'97 Greg Popovic hired as headcoach.
Also they selected two all-star from draft. '99 57th pick !!! '01 28th pick!!. BAM! Here is the dynasty. 15 consequent year play-off 4 rings.


Look at these records.98-99= 16-34, 99-00=31-51, 00-01= 26-56 nice right! How about  that 02 Final - 03 Final!!. They selected Kenyon from 1st pick in '00 (I guess that draft was worst draft ever.). They sent Stephon Marbury for Jason Kidd. Great!! Also they took Jefferson in 01'draft night by sending 6th pick Eddie Griffin.


In '86-'87 they were at the last spot of play-off. 87' draft night Reggie Miller is selected from 11th pick. That was very suprising and unable to understand for Pacers fans not to select Steve Alford but Donnie Walsh was confident. Result? Ask jersey #31 at Banker Life Fieldhouse ceiling. Anyway, they got Rik Smith after that year form draft. Then, They made 16 play-offs in 18 years. 5 conferance final 1 final. In 2000 Jalen Rose became a Pacer and he was scorer of the Finalist team that year. Besides, they were successfull indeed with Jermaine, Ron Artest, Al Harington. But c'mon Ron Ron.


A conversation from 90's in Dallas.
+ What did Mavs last night?
-Mavs Who?The band one?

Dallas was totally loser in 90's. 0 "zero" play-offs. '98 Draft night  was breaking point  for franchise. Don Nelson wanted a German guy and Suns back-up guard Steve Nash. They had 6th pick for weird-haired blond German. Besides Buck desired Robert Traylor from draft and Suns wanted Pat Garrity. What Mavs did ? Selected Traylor from 6th pick-sent Bucks, took 9th pick Dirk- Pat Garrity from 19th pick-sent Suns got Nash-. Result? 1 MVP 2 Allstar. 2 Final 1 Ring. 12 consequent years play-offs.


They were not bad in 90's, they lost one time against His Airness, made all play-offs between '89-'01. In '01-'02 team had Marbury-Hardaway-Marion trio but they had gone out of play-offs after 82 games. '02 draft Suns selected Amare Stoudemire from 9th overall. But team was going nowhere. In the mid of '03 they sent Marbury and Hardaway for pieces which means nothing. But they got FA Steve Nash future 2 times MVP. D'antoni's system suited playerss like Nash, Amare and Marion excellently. Nearly all players in these year made their carrer numbers. But that wasn't enough for ring. They needed luck also.


Early 2000's the hot-blooded '90s Miami's roster was seperated. After 25-57 '02-'03 season Pat Riley gave up, too and left the coaching spot to Stan Van Gundy to take 2 and a half years later. '03 draft night they were waiting Chris Bosh or some thing but special thanks to Joe Dumars they selected Dwayne Wade from 5th overall. One year later, Lakers made a choice between Shaq and Kobe. Shaq was the packing up one. Miami sent a package for  'really' Big-man(Odom-Butler- 10th pick of '02 draft Grant). Wade-Shaq duo lost against Pistons '05 conference finals after that year won rings from 0-2 against Dallas Mavericks.

Wild Card - SAC:

Sacremento Kings was really nice buddy with Dallas Maverick in 90s. Between '87 and '98 seasons they made only one play-off and never won 40 games or more. Again same faith with Mavs in '98 summer(retirement of Jordan and Lock-out '98 summer was milestone for many teams) everything changed for Sacremento -at least for awhile. They made Chris Webber a King and sent all-star guard Mitch Richmond and Otis Thorpe for him to Wizards. Their 14th pick in '96 draft Predrag Stojakovic joined to the team and Rick Adelman-2 time WC champion with Blazers- hired as a head coach. Following years they captured respectively Vlade Divac, Doug Chirstie and Mike Bibby. And 61-21 overalled, Western Conference Finalist, very lovely team was built. But we all know Big Shot Rob right?

[1] Michael Jordan era.
[2]Traded with 4th round pick Stephon Marbury
[3] Peja joined league in 1998
[4] Mavs traded No. 6 pick and a future pick  to the Celtics for Eric Montross and a No. 9 pick
[5] Nets traded 7th round pick Eddie Griffin for 13th round pick Jefferson and pieces
[6]Mavs sent 6th pick  Robert Traylor for 9th pick Nowitzki and 19th pick  Pat Garrity on draft night
[7] Rights from Dallas

Sunday, May 26, 2013

PM Ranking of the Season

We did a lot of play making analyses so far. Since the season has ended -sadly- , we decided to prepare all season rankings for a few stat that we've created. A few days ago Mehmet shared  T-Con ranking. Now,I'll share the play making rankings for all Euroleague players***.

Here is the first 25 play maker of the Euroleague.

Names at top are not surprising. We all know about play making abilities of them. Also, Saski Baskonia shines out with two player at top 5. That's just rich. 

Players from 25 to 50 is shown below.

There were only 55 player eligible player for this list by the way. So, the worst play makers in the list are also one of the worst play makers in all Euroleague. That doesn't suppose to mean too much of course. Not every point guard has to have same style. Some of them prefer to set more plays for their teammates while others prefer scoring as primary option. This list shows the point guard ranking at the first category,that doesn't have to show the "BEST" point guards at all.


*: Points
**: Possessions
***: Only players who played at least 15 minutes per a game and played at least 5 game were eligible  for the evaluation. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

T-CON Season Ranking

We are starting summary of Euroleague Textbook's own child T-CON (Tangible Contribution) which works to measure players' contribution. T-CON involves play adjusted points, FG, FT, assist, steal, block, turnover,rebound all team stats and opponents stats. However I wouldn't explain the formula here. Doğuş wrote it before with all details. If you want to look at here is the T-CON.

Now I will present first 50 players of Euroleague who has the highest T-CON rank. The table is shown below involve players played +15 minutes. Please click on pics for bigger view.

first 25
second 25
To make some inferences like which country has more reps or which team or which position has more player in first 50, I prepared some additional rankings.


United States ( what did you expected?) and PG dominations are the notable results. Also having 3 players from Elan Chalon and Union Olimpija is interesting. It can be explained with that teams playing style and regular season's defensive toughness. Pages of analyses can written about these results but this post presents only results, comments are belonging to you.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Epilogue - Let It Started Already!

This is the final post of the our Final Four Analysis Series. We analyzed the every F4 team separately. Now we'll make a final review. As previous posts, there will be results of the T-Con,Play Makers,Shooters,Rebounders and Play Oriented Winning Analysis in this post. I'll show you Top 10 players for every category.  Let's start with the T-Con;

CSKA Moscow is dominating the list with 4 player while other teams have equally 2 players. Possible MVP candidates for each team ;

Vassilis Spanoulis,Olympiacos
Viktor Khryapa,CSKA Moscow
Rudy Fernandez,Real Madrid
Ante Tomic,Barcelona  

That doesn't mean that one of these four players should definitely win the MVP Award. It just shows how these players made tangible contributions so far. For example, can anyone bet against Navarro ? If Barcelona could fulfill their dreams, he would definitely be a strong candidate.

As always, second analysis is about play making skills ;

We have a Master at the top of the list. Maybe he got old and not the same player he used to be. Yet, he didn't lost any of his basketball IQ for sure. That's what makes Papaloukas one of the greatest players. At the second place, we have Mantzaris. It would be a great misfortune that we couldn't see him in the Final Four. Yet,he is only 23 years old and if everthing progresses as expected, we'll see a lot more of him. It seems that he is taking firm steps forward. Last of all, Greek domination at the list is very remarkable.

Now,it's time to look at snipers of the Final Four;

Jaycee Carroll - personal favorite - is at the top of the list. Both Real Madrid and CSKA Moscow with 4 players.However, the ones from the Barcelona and Olympiacos are players you can never risk to shot. Yet, they can easily score anywhere they want when they are in winning mode even if you defend them. This list shows the combination of the middle range shots and 3-pointers by the way. If we want to look at only 3-pointer the list would be like ;

We have a new comer,Papanikolaou and a goner,Rodriguez. The order of list is also changed of course. But, it seems no one can move the Carroll from the top of the list.

Let's focus on the big guys a little more. Here is the Top 10 rebounders of the Final Four;

Remember, because of the problems to obtain some detailed data in Euroleague, we made some estimations on players' rebound rates. If we could gather them, there would be slight changes in the list possibly. We can say that Barcelona and Olympiacos are dominating the list with 3 players. CSKA Moscow's T-Con leader Khryapa is leading the rebounding list also.

Last of all, Play Oriented Winning Functions;

Table above shows the winning functions of all teams. Also, I've evaluated the every possible scenario and found the Optimal Number of Play (ONoP) for each team to win all possible games. As expected, in a low pace game Olympiacos has great chance to defend his championship. Contrarily, if the pace goes up, it would help Real Madrid. If CSKA and Barcelona want to win, they should adjust the game pace so good that neither Olympiacos nor Real Madrid get the advantage. Between Barcelona and CSKA, optimal number of plays are so close.

This was the last Final For analysis. Because the nature of format, F4 is always open to surprises. Everyone has personal candidates for the championship and we all know that even teams who appear strongest can be easily beaten at the very first day. That's what makes Final Four thrilling. It's time to enjoy greatest stage of the European Basketball.


*: Points
**: Possessions
***: Shooting Value 1; combination of middle range shots and 3-pointers
****: Shooting Value 2; value of only 3-pointers

Note: Every analysis ,which is conducted for all players of the Euroleague, is applied for the players who had played at least 15 game in the Euroleague this season.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

#4 Real Madrid - Speed up Royals

Like Barcelona, Real's roster nearly same with last years' Top 16 Real. Tomic out Slaughter in was major switch of pre-season. Interestingly, the key matchup of first step of F4 can Tomic vs Slaughter. Slaughter should stand behind Tomic solid otherwise he will defend one two size bigger than him,Jawai.

Like Barca and Oly, Real has 2 player in top 10 T-con Rank. However not like the other F4 teams, Real's first 5 players in T-Con are originally like to play outside. It reflects Real's offense exactly. But nonbeing Bigman threat will their soft spot in El clasico.

When you look play-maker analyze, There is a big difference between Real and other F4 teams

Azerbaijan Airlines is number one hot-shooter so far according our shooter analyze. And real shooters will their main power in F4. Against Barca with no Pete Mikael, Real can play more minutes with 3 guard that means Pascual can hold Sada in game and we all know what will happen in the other side of court right?

Real has one of best rebounders of all time Euroleage, Reyes. He still best man in Real at this age. They have also Mirotic in top 10. They have to struggle against Barca's big boys to balance rebound.

Real's TDR rates are amazing like Barca. If you consider Real's pace, their defense stats are impressive. They can bite opponents when they want.Here is their TDR progress round by round.

Real's TOR number are decreasing while Euroleague progresses. That can be explained by opponents strength and sharpened defenses. And also you can check out Real's TOR progress against EL average.

And, Play Oriented Winning Function analysis;

Against fierce rival Barca, 83 magic number. Over 83 number of play odds will return to Real Madrid. As for potential match-up against Russians they should increase the game pace even more because 83 would probably not enough. However against Oly, 80 number of play will be enough in favor of Real.

Real started Top 16 with 9-1 record but they didn't look like 9-1 team. They won 2xZalgiris, Alba, Pana, Brose games with less than 5 margin.So and so they lost 3 game streak and lost first spot and again luckly they matched up Maccabi (If Pablo Laso had selected opponent he would select Maccabi I think). They swept Maccabi as all we know with average 16 margin!. Under consideration of all circumstances Barca look like half of a step ahead in El Clasico.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

#3 Olympiacos Piraeus - Fear the Beard

Here we came to reigning champion. Last year, Olympiacos set the Europe on fire by winning the title over CSKA. Who can forget Printezis' last shot. This year, they kept most of their roster but not their coach Dusan Ivkovic here they are again with their new coach Georgios Bartzokas. The table below shows the roster of the Olympiacos and players' T-Con values.

The Beard of the Europe (as Mehmet named him) , is the top player in all Final Four players in terms of tangible contribution. Also, Kyle Hines is one of the Top 10 players. Olympiacos has fewest player -only 4-  in Top 20 players. Yet, we all know how dangerous they are as a team. Also, they have a man who can change dynamics of a game whenever he wants, Spanoulis and Rising Star of the European Basketball, Papanikolaou.

Let's look at the playmakers of the Olympiacos ;

It's painful that Mantzaris done for the season. He was the best playmaker in the team as it seems. He was second best playmaker in all Final Four players. Even though there is big difference between Mantzaris and Sloukas&Law in all players list,both Sloukas and Law is at Top 10 in Final Four players.

As for shooters of the Olympiacos ;

In combined shooting ranking (SV1) Spanoulis is the best shooter of the Oly. As for 3-pointers Kostas Papanikolaou is not only Olympiacos' best shooter, but also one of the best in all players. Olympiacos has also a few more shooters who can hurt their opponent when they are needed like Printezis,Antic and Perperoglou.

Now, let's look at the rebounding stats of the Olympiacos;

Oly has 3 players in Top 10 list. Kyle Hines looks like best rebounders of the team. He is also Top 10 list for all Euroleague players. Also all best 5 rebounders of the Oly is in the Top 20 list. That shows us how strong Olympiacos is in the painted area. They are especially powerful at defensive rebounds. It can easily be linked to their defensive capability.

It's time to look TDR and TOR values.

Table above proves that Olympiacos was above EL average in every phase of the Euroleague. It is no surprise at all I believe, since it was obvious that Olympiacos was one of the best defensive teams in the Euroleague. The graph below shows the progress of the Euroleague,Olympiacos' TDR values and EL averages in every phase.

As for TOR values ;

Even though Olympiacos' TOR values are decreasing, they were above the EL averages in all phases. We can link this increase to the strength of the opponents. TOR values of the Oly and EL averages are shown  in the graph below.

And finally, Play Oriented Winning Functions;

As we showed in the CSKA post and Barcelona post, game function between Olympiacos and CSKA forms a quadratic function while game function between Olympiacos and Barcelona forms a linear function. The game function between Olympiacos and Real Madrid also forms a linear function.

Olympiacos should be very careful against CSKA Moscow, because number of plays they normally choose to play is in favor of CSKA Moscow. So, they should lower the game pace even more than they normally do. Another option for the CSKA game is increasing the game pace above 85 play, yet it would be much harder to accomplish since their roster not quite capable of playing in this pace.

In a potential match-up against Real Madrid, all they have to do is lower the game pace. Real Madrid is very dangerous in high-pace games. Olympiacos is exactly the opposite. So, in such match-up, whoever manages to establish its pace would win the game. The key of the game is 80 play. It means under 80 play, Olympiacos has a bigger chance to win and it increases while the game pace decreases.

As for a potential match-up against Barcelona, Olympiacos should lower the pace even more. Key number of the game is 77 play. Olympiacos should lower the game pace under the 77 play. If they couldn't,than any extra play would serve to the Barcelona.

To sum up, Olympiacos is a team which is successful in lower pace game. They should defend hard and discomfort their opponents. And also everyone should remember that, they are defending champion and as Rudy Tomjanovic said; "Don't ever underestimate the heart of a champion!".


*: Points
**: Possessions

Note: Every analysis ,which is conducted for all players of the Euroleague, is applied for the players who had played at least 15 game in the Euroleague this season.

Monday, May 6, 2013

#2 Barcelona Regal- Mes Que Un F4

Please read Prologue first,

After a loss against Oly in F4 last year, Barca's roster stayed nearly same. Javai and Tomic was major  incomers. They adapted team in an instant and gave more than expected, especially  Tomic became a major piece for the both side of court. Barcelona's biggest loss in this season definetly Pete Mikael. He was only person who can score in the painted area from backcourt. That will Barca's weak side in El Clasico beyond any doubt. Pascual must find a way to score when team stucked in offense like game 2-3-4 against Pana. Besides CJ Wallace's doubtful health will effect Barca's rotation in 4.

T-CON values show us  so far Barca's MVP is Tomic. They have only 2 player in top 10. That demonstrates Barca came F4 with un-selfhood performances. In CSKA's analyze CSKA had 4 player top 10.

Guards of Barcelona's play making ability values can be discernible above. Barca had 2 great playmakers but this years numbers are not very well when you compare them against F4 opponents.

If someone mention F4 shooter, he will name Navarro somewhere in talking. But apart from La Bomba hard to say Barca has reliable shooters. As we saw in Top 8 against Pana in the crunch times, Barca can have difficulty to find someone to spread offense.

Rebounds one of Barca's strongest side. Tomic and Jawai don't let team trouble in rebounds with their size supermacies. And also they have great backcourt rebounders like Sada. But CJ Wallace's health issue will be important in rebounds too.

Past a few years, Pascual made one of best defensive team in Europe. Despite of big change in front court they still one of best. Above, TDR(Team Defensive Rating) table shows Barca's defense performances' round by round. Decreasing in the rates related with opponents strength but Barca's rates still very good when compared with F4 opponents. Graph of TDR can be shown below.

The progress of Barca offense is shown below with Team Offensive Rating (TOR).

The offense of Barca was always above from EL average till playoffs. Against Pana they struggled in the offense. And 3,04 value take them below from averages.I think, the value of TOR in F4 will decisive for Barca's success. Here is graph of TOR for Barca.

Last and the most important  part of analyze is Play Oriented Winning Percentages. We use this analyze to determine which number of play in the game will serve the teams. First opponent of Barca is rival enemy  Real Madrid.

In the Real Madrid-Barcelona game 83 number of play will be breaking point. That means the game below 83 number of the play will be advantage for Barcelona. As expected, high tempo will serve Real Madrid in F4 matchup against Barca.

If Barca pass Real Madrid against Oly things will change. This time breaking point is 77. And above 77 play number will be advantage for Barca.

As Doğuş mentioned in CSKA Analyze, In possible CSKA- Barca match-up things will be different. In this game will be two breaking point. Till 66 play number and above 85 play number Barca will be front-runner of the game.


*: Points
**: Possessions

Note: Every analysis ,which is conducted for all players of the Euroleague, is applied for the players who had played at least 15 game in the Euroleague this season.