We are inactive since 31.05.2013.In fact, personally we are experiencing the most active period of our lives. We just want to keep on working our basketball analyses. There is nothing make us happier than that. If only we can just conduct new analyses and find new formulas in peace.
Yet, things are very tricky in here. Our country has been in a very deep sleep. No need to lie, we were also becoming more and more numb and nonresponsive. Yet, everything changed in a single night. There is a small park in Istanbul called Gezi Parkı. Some concerned citizens was trying to defend this park because government wanted to turned this park into yet another shopping mall. One night Turkish cops bombed people with tear gases and beat the peaceful demonstrators.
A Dangerous(!) Protester Reading A Book to Cops
Women in Red (Tear Gas)
We just had enough. We decided to stand up and speak up. We hit the streets in all over the country. (You can find photos and videos about streets in various websites , showdiscontent.com is one of them for example) We're in the streets since May,31. We are not some extremists, we are just ordinary engineering students. We didn't damage any public property. We've never thrown anything to cops. Yet, we are beaten, bombed with tear gases and blast bombs, repelled by water cannons and even shot with tear gas capsules. We are resisting for our freedom. It's not about just the park anymore. It's about human rights and people's way of living. Because, our emperor wannabe prime minister is trying to limit our freedom.
But, we are not death yet. We are resisting to violent government and its cops without damaging anything. There is four dead people and thousands of casualty so far. We are breathing more tear gases than oxygen these days. We're tired but determined. Streets of the country filled with brillant people. By the way,you can't imagine level of sense of humor in streets. We are also laughing to death while fighting against police violence. For example, in the picture below, some fellow protester put a Gandalf picture on a cardboard an write "Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day,at dawn look to the east" on it. And noted that, "He can join our resistance, you just can't know" next to it.
To put in a nutshell, we are resisting against autocracy and we don't know how long we need to resist. I hope we see you soon. Please, if you have a chance, be our voice and say everyone around you that Turkish police slaughtering their own people. For those who are supporting our cause, God bless you. You are nothing but a brother/sister to us. United we stand!
Textbook Team
#direngezi #direnankara #resistTurkey #occupyTurkey
Personal Apology: If you're following my personal twitter account, I'm probably screwing your timeline.My apologies for that. But, I have to do that. Because our dishonarable media, didn't show anything to people. Their bosses have some other business with the government, so they are deliberately blinding the people.Hence, we are using every social media tools to share what's really happening. "You are the media, share it" is one of the most common motto of this resistance. So, you can imagine that sharing what's happening is an obligation for me, not a choice. Still, I'm sorry for your timelines , forgive me :)